Barbara Salinas-Norman was a Chicana activist, a bilingual teacher, an author, a publisher and an artist. She was �intelligent,� �inspiring,� a �trailblazer.� But her life had begun to unravel, and this once well-connected woman apparently died alone in her Santa Fe home, where her body lay undiscovered for several months behind an unlocked door. Her decomposed remains were found Monday at the Zia Vista Condominiums on Zia Road. Police originally speculated that Salinas had been dead since October, but family and friends said Friday they thought the 70-year-old might have died long before that � a year or more ago.Shed no tears for Ms Salinas-Norman. Her dream was to divorce her husband and she lived the dream, not once, but twice! Sic semper feminnis....Salinas� body was discovered by her brother-in-law, Louis Ponce, who said Friday that he had become concerned about her because he hadn�t heard from her for a long time.... On Monday, the couple drove to Santa Fe to check on Salinas at Zia Vista and found her body lying in a filthy living room. She was lying near a favorite poster, a takeoff on Rosie the Riveter. This version shows Rosie as a skeleton, with a red cloth on her head and her arm raised in a fist under the caption, �S�, Se Muere!� Yes, we die....
Though she was troubled, Trujillo said, �she was very intelligent,� and they became friends. Sometimes they went to the movies. Salinas was especially fond of the movie Eat Pray Love and its star, Javier Bardem. �She was so passionate about the movie. That was her dream story,� Trujillo said.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
A feminist success story
Sure, she died alone, an evolutionary dead end, unlamented and unnoticed under her Che Guevara posters, but the important thing is that she had a Masters degree, she blazed a trail for thousands of childless American spinsters who will die similarly alone, and most importantly, she even managed to avoid being devoured by cats.
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