Young men will be the biggest losers in the transition to Obamacare, according to a new report by the actuarial and consulting firm Milliman. The report estimates that males as a whole will see an 11 percent increase in insurance premiums, while females as a whole will see a nine percent decrease. Men under 40 will face insurance hikes of 18 to 31 percent; females under 40 will benefit from 13 to 19 percent decreases.Going economically ghost and operating in the black economy instead of the visible one is becoming less a logical choice and more of a necessity as more and more unproductive female employees fill the ranks of what was once optimistically called the Information Society.
But here�s the real kicker: premiums for young men ages 25-36 could increase by more than 50 percent, and females 25-29 will face a 4 percent increase. In other words, if you�re young, you lose. If you�re a man, you lose. If you�re a young man, you really lose.
Translation: the digital paper-pushing economy.
MGTOW used to refer primarily to a decision to men's sexual choices, but I suspect the definition is going to have to be expanded to include men's economic choices as well. Once men can no longer reasonably expect to be able to support a wife and children, they not only will not attempt to do so, but they have no incentive to produce the economic surplus upon which societies have depended upon since the inception of written history.
And without incentive, it's simply not going to happen. Now, perhaps women will rise to the occasion and show that they can be every bit as productive and capable of maintaining a civilized society as men. Or, more likely, the withdrawal of men from the mainstream of both society and the economy will speed up the transition into the next phase of Western civilization, whatever that might be.
At some point, one has to ask oneself the question: are those pursuing these policies genuinely this short-sighted or are they intentionally seeking the results they are obtaining?
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