Wednesday, June 19, 2013

If she's hot, she must be fake

It is quite educational to see how the gamma male finds the idea of the existence of a highly attractive woman to be literally incredible:
I noted another odd thing: both times the same old photo of Spacebunny emerged. In fact it appeared to be the only photo of the woman. A professionally-taken modelling photo apparently. Hmm....

Before Vox Day's minions (real and sockpuppety) pop up in here to burn me alive in a wicker model of their leader's phallus, I should add this post is no less spurious, cherry-picked and unscientific as anything on Vox Day's blog. If Vox Day can say NK Jemesin isn't fully human, then I can say Vox Day's wife doesn't even fucking exist.
James Worrad can say whatever he likes, but that doesn't make his statements true.  For example, he is correct to note that the only picture of the woman he has found is a professionally-taken modelling photo, but although I know it is very hard for gamma males like him to believe it, "perfect-ten" women who have such photos taken of them do exist in real life.  Some of them even marry SF/F writers.

They just don't want anything to do with creepy little goblins like him.

Assuming Spacebunny's nonexistence isn't Mr. Worrad's only error.  I never said NK Jemesin isn't fully human, in fact, Ms Jemisin is the one who talked about herself that way. Worrad is claiming the right to do something on the basis of something I never did.  As for the false claim that I have a reputation for sockpuppeting, that is totally untrue and the accusation was nothing more than a figment of the Ghastly Toad of Tor's imagination.

Worrad provides a useful example of how strong the gamma delusion bubble is.  It will actually lead a gamma to deny the existence of an individual whom dozens of people on the blog have met in person, and with whom literally hundreds of other readers have interacted.  The delusion bubble can even lead the gamma to conclude that it is more reasonable for him to assume an elaborate sockpuppeting plan rather than accept the fact that a man much higher up the socio-sexual hierarchy than him would naturally attract much more attractive women.

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