Friday, June 14, 2013

It's your fault she's old and dried-up

See, if you bastards simply stop being attracted to slender young women with large, firm, breasts, she wouldn't be chopping her hair off and going through hot flashes.  Is there no end to the limit of male evil?
Women go through menopause because men have consistently preferred younger women in recent evolutionary history, according to a study published June 13 in the journal PLOS Computational Biology. Thus, menopause is not evolutionarily advantageous and may be the result of a series of random, harmful mutations that accumulated in women but weren't acted on by evolution because the women had already reproduced by the time the mutations affected them.
It may be because it might possibly perhaps have been... science!  Color me dubious.  Steve Sailer may need to expand his Law of Female Journalism to include scientific studies.

The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.

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