Thursday, June 27, 2013

Women never fail

No matter how powerful they are, when things don't go their way, they are nothing more than the helpless victims of bigoted men:
Julia Gillard ousted: Achievement does not equal respect if you're a woman...The problem for Julia Gillard was not - as it had been with her predecessor Rudd - her performance. It was that, from to beginning to end, she remained female.
And yet, one would assume that the electorate that has withdrawn support from her to such an extent that she only has 29 percent of the primary vote knew she was a woman when she won election.

The bewildered writer points to Gillard's "achievements":
  • Australia's first National Disability Insurance Scheme, of direct benefit to the 500,000 Australians living with disability
  • Introduction of carbon pricing and an Emissions Trading Scheme which has reduced carbon emissions in Australia between 8-11 percent
  • Overseeing the Gonski review for the revolutionary overhaul of the entire primary and secondary education sector
  • Seeing that Australia take up a seat on the UN security for the first time
  • Instituted life-changing policies for improvements in indigenous literacy
  • Overseeing a national broadband network of high-speed internet is nation-building infrastructure
Perhaps, one thinks, perhaps those "achievements" are viewed with considerably less enthusiasm than the writer assumes.  Perhaps Australians aren't impressed with "a commitment to Keynesian policy" that has resulted in the diving Australian dollar.

No, it can't be that.  It must be because they didn't know she's a woman before, but they realize it now. Those stupid, benighted Australians clearly didn't recognize that once a woman claims an electoral office, it shall henceforth be considered the property of the female sex.  Because sexist.

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