I've been really enjoying AG and VP, although in different ways. While reading VP I find myself nodding and saying "Yes, that's what I always thought!" While reading AG I find myself feeling a growing sense of horror at the thorough and complete incorrectness of everything I'd been taught. I believe the truth of your assertions are self evident once one is aware of them and contrasts them with PC assertions and evaluates which better explains reality. I think you're doing a valuable service for people who haven't heard any other view point.Well, naturally. Because it must be the men's fault that they don't do a better job of protecting her from hearing judgmental and offensive comments about the shortness of her skirt from the obese shoggoths of the sort that can be seen in the background who resent being reminded of what actual human women look like.
Anyway, I ran across an article that, using my newly scaleless eyes to evaluate from a new perspective, I found interesting. The woman attends sci-fi cons and dresses up in attractive sci fi costumes, then is upset when (a) other women criticize her appearance (b) men compliment her on her appearance. It's the women's snide criticism that really gets to her, so naturally, most of the article is devoted to bashing the male privilege culture at conventions.
SF/F is escapist literature that possesses particular appeal to those with a lot from which to escape. There is nothing wrong with that, but combined with feminist dogma, the white-knighting gamma males that inordinately attend these conventions, and the aforementioned shoggoths, it's a recipe for the sort of hilarious Red on Red attacks that result in these sorts of articles and left-liberal authors being castigated for Insufficient Kowtowing to one or another sacred cows.
I've attended one convention in my life, and I have never seen a bigger or sadder collection of fatties and freaks anywhere. The bizarre thing was that for all of their supposed devotion to inclusion, they were also snarkier, more sensitive, and more judgmental about each other than the gay men working out in the gym at the Northwest Target Center. There was one post-op transsexual there who looked like a lumberjack hippie and all the shoggoths were glaring pure poison at "her" because "she" was using the women's bathrooms. I'm not all surprised to hear that the entire scene has devolved into a morass of competitive offense-taking.
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